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"I think about how sex and politics go together, something that Mario strongly believed in when he defined communism as ‘the rediscovery of bodies and their fundamental communicative function, their polymorphous potential for love’. I think about how oppression is exerted on the body, and how the body, on the other hand, becomes the perfect instrument to stage the revolution: against heteronormativity, against the capitalist ordering of bodies, against any form of oppression."

Listen to my journey to All Saints Church Hall (the Tabernacle):

GLF flyers, minutes and demands courtesy of the LSE Library, Hall-Carpenter Archive. The flyer mentions All Saints Vestry, while the minutes report the LSE as the location of the think ins. This and other archival material are available online here. The picture of All Saints Church from the 1970s was kindly provided to me by Stuart Feather.

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